United Spindle Oil ISO 10, 22

United Spindle Oil is designed for the lubrication and protection of high-speed spindle bearings. It may also be used wherever a rust and oxidation inhibited petroleum oil is specified in a comparable ISO 22 (United Spindle Oil 100) and ISO 10 viscosity grade (United Spindle Oil 60). This product separates rapidly from water and is hydrolytically stable. United Spindle Oil provides excellent friction, filterability, rust and corrosion protection properties. The formulation provides superior thermal and oxidative stability. United Spindle Oil is formulated with premium quality paraffinic base oils and proprietary additives. The formulation is free of barium, chlorine, lead, and silicone type additives. United Spindle Oil is light in body and extremely light in color.
- Superior oxidation and thermal stability
- Rust and corrosion protection
- Rapid water separation
- Minimum foaming and rapid air release
- Easily applied at low temperatures
- Low staining properties
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