United Railroad Engine Oil SAE 20W-40, 11 TBN

United Railroad Engine Oil is formulated to provide year-round lubrication in two- and four-cycle, low- and high-horsepower, turbocharged, railroad, marine and stationary medium-speed diesel engines requiring zinc-free lubrication. United’s optimized additive formulation has a reduced ash content and incorporates advanced dispersant technology. It is engineered to reduce oxidation and provide thermal stability along with improved yellow metal wear protection. United Railroad Engine Oil is formulated to provide lower oil consumption, lower deposits and longer filter life.
- OEM approval
- Meets current GE and EMD specifications
- Qualifies for unrestricted use in GE and EMD high-horsepower, turbocharged diesel engines
- No warranty restrictions
- Improved anti-wear for component life, along with improved bearing and metal wear protection
- Optimized total base number (TBN) levels formulated for use with low- and ultra low-sulfur diesel fuels
- Provides the ability to safely extend oil drain intervals (through oil analysis)
- Extended filter life
- Improved cold weather starting
- Zinc-free protection
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